Newest Blogs
- Fall 2019 | Fine Arts August 15, 2019
- Free Webinar: Your Unique Homeschooling Journey August 4, 2019
- Summer 2019 | Fast-Paced Homeschooling July 16, 2019
We're in Texas!
Learning Tangent is based in Fort Worth, Texas. If you can catch us out, we usually have a little something with us to share.
Focus on Homeschooling
Let Learning Tangent inspire and support you and your family. We focus on the lifestyle that is home education, from getting started with your preschooler to helping your teens prepare for adulthood - whether it's college or not. We understand that regardless why you homeschool, when we support each other everyone wins in the end.
We believe that learning about how other families do things makes us richer, and reveals common ground that we may not have known existed. If you've been looking for a place to find a variety of opinions and approaches - this is it!
What are you waiting for? We have digital, print and combo subscriptions available.
All of our shippable* products include shipping to the United States.