I love the arts, in all its various forms. Though I am primarily a musician in that arena, I do also dabble in drawing and painting, weaving, and others. I think that often, when we know our kids aren’t artistically inclined (whatever the form), we wind up not giving it a fair shake. So here’s […]
Category: Blog
Free Webinar: Your Unique Homeschooling Journey
Are you beginning your homeschooling journey, or somewhere along the way? Recently, I have begun to notice more moms worrying that they aren’t good enough, and compare themselves to others in ways that are unhealthy. Maybe it’s because homeschooling is becoming more popular, and it’s just a numbers game, but it bothers me. First – […]
Summer 2019 | Fast-Paced Homeschooling
Doesn’t that sound contrary to what we almost always hear as homeschoolers? Yes…yes it does. But sometimes, that relaxed, do it at your own pace thing backfires, and you wind up in a place that does not benefit your teen. That’s where fast-past homeschooling comes in handy. Find out how Tavia gets a lot done […]
Spring 2019 | Free Your Mind!
Can you believe it’s almost spring again? I can’t. Even though the winter months were cold, they were just a blur! If you homeschool on a “traditional” schedule, it’s a wonderful time to start looking forward to what you’ll change after you finish up your school year. If, like us, you homeschool year-around, it’s just […]
How I Journal…and Why
Failure is My Best Friend
I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work. Thomas Edison Why would any of us welcome failure – and then call it a friend?! I do though. I mean, mostly. Failing at something only means, to me, that I have more to learn. Life would be awfully boring if there weren’t more to learn. But […]