Homeschool Consultants

We have a fabulous community of people who specialize in helping new homeschoolers get started. Did a homeschool consultant help you get going and give you the confidence boost that you needed? Do you have a friend who consults? If you are a consultant or know one who would like to be listed, please submit the info using the form and we’ll be more than happy to see if they would like to be included in our list.

The price is reasonable too – for $40 per year, have YOUR consulting business listed here. Nothing fancy – no graphics or logos, just your contact info.

We also offer group subscription rates, and would be happy to extend them to your clients. Be sure to let us know that you’re interested in more information about this.

Beverly Burgess
Public speaking, homeschool coaching & consulting across the US. Author of Out of the Box Learning-Empowering YOU On Your Homeschool Journey (Watch for release in January of 2017)!

Rhode Island
[email protected]

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