After a very productive and educational weekend helping in the booth at Great Homeschool Convention in Ontario, CA… Nancy Larson Science was nice enough to give our next science level to us at no charge. So what would a girl do except take some photos and share the box opening with you?
As you can see from the photo, David & Daniel are excited. They love science, and love to get new books in the mail almost as much as I do! There are two things that people say to me regarding Nancy Larson Science – first that it’s so well thought out that you really do just open the box and start teaching. The second is that it’s expensive.
I’ve talked about the first point at length with many people, because once you’ve used it, the idea of using something else just doesn’t come up; but the second is what I would like to talk about now. It is expensive. While we did not have to pay for it, I would not have a second’s hesitation in doing so.
What you get with each kit far outweighs anything you would save in piecing your science together. I’ll admit to being a bargain hound just like most of you reading this. But sometimes that winds up costing many hours of time and frustration, and I would generally choose to spend a bit of money on a curriculum that is complete over doing it myself unless there were a real need. I do this because that time that I don’t have to spend prepping a lesson or collecting/purchasing materials is time that I can spend doing something fun with the boys, trying to keep the house clean-ish, or writing things like this for you (couldn’t resist).
Of all the homeschool science curricula I’ve looked at, this is the only one that is fully planned and comes with everything you’ll need for an entire school year. You’ll have to save the odd water bottle and supply colored pencils and such, but I’m sure that most of you have that sort of thing sitting around the house somewhere. And did I mention? Nancy refuses to change her science to suit Common Core. That is a big point for us because we feel it shows integrity and confidence in your product.
Science 3 covers astronomy (our solar system), basic chemistry, physical science, meteorology, geology, some botany and even a bit of herpetology. If that sounds like a lot, you’re right! Everything is in bite-sized chunks in the form of booklets and review pages so that kids learn very naturally in a way that makes the information easy for them to assimilate. I like that it covers a bit of everything, all the while building on what they learned last year in Science 2. The boys seem to like it for the same reason because they have very different preferences in science. One likes space, the other nature – so choosing a science approach that suits them and satisfies their interests is important.
This level also comes with a few posters – which I quickly had laminated to help them last longer. These guys love posters and their rooms show it so I have to make them wait to keep their favorites until we’re done with it… but Nancy Larson Science is one of the curricula that really helped us love homeschooling together.
If you’re thinking about using Nancy Larson, Science in your homeschool, here’s what you need to know:
- It’s complete. For multiple children just order an extra student packet.
- It’s multi-aged. If you have a 5 yo and a 7 yo, chances are that you can help them work together in science without buying a whole other kit.
- Which level is right? Depends on the experience your kids have in science. Since it’s not grade level, you can go based on what they know. Do they understand and can they articulate the topics covered? If not, then that is the level you’ll want to look at using.
- It’s free of Common Core.
- It’s religion-neutral. Really. It deals with observable science, not theories of evolution or young-earth beliefs so that if the approach works for your kids, you can use it and it’s very easy to include your own beliefs as part of the discussion.
- Shipping is included! There’s no extra shipping charge for the 15lb box that will appear on your doorstep.
- It’s a FULL year, not just a few units for a semester.
- The lessons are scripted, which means you don’t have to figure out what to say or worry that you’re covering everything.
What do you think? Have you used Nancy Larson Science in your homeschool?
Disclaimer: This curriculum was given to us at no charge in exchange for our honest opinions, we have endeavored to be fully honest and thorough in the review. We are NOT required to give a positive review. There are affiliate links which pay us a small commission on purchases of items when using those links, but they do not affect the cost of the products you purchase. See our full disclosure policy.