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Just a Little Time, Mom

Being a wife, mother, teacher, steward, leader and guide of your family can get overwhelming (whew! I am exhausted typing that).  In all of the hoopla of our busy lives we tend to get lax in the time we take for ourselves.  Mani/Pedi? Ah, next month….massage at a fancy spa? Put that on my “To-Do” for next year.  Take a few minutes just to regroup? Maybe after the kids take a nap, oh wait I have laundry to do, dinner to make and hubby made an appointment to spend some quality time together, hmmm I wonder if folding clothes would count for quality time….Ok, ok, for sure after they are settled and off to bed I will take some time for me, a shower sounds nice….shoot,  I have to prepare for our day tomorrow. Sound familiar?

For many of us moms this is a reality and while we love our job of being stewards over our home that does not mean that we should forget to make time for ourselves, even if it is just 15 minutes to regroup.  Take a chance (notice I said, take a chance)and hide in the bathroom, flush the toilet to hide the unwrapping of a candy bar and EAT IT without any regrets.  Go for a spa day alone (I find these moments better because I don’t have to entertain anyone) but even a spa day with friends is nice just to catch up.  The point is we cannot forget to take time for ourselves.  I know, I know…I am preaching to the choir so just consider this a gentle reminder….Take Just a Little Time, Mom….just a little time.


Jersey Woods is from Cleveland,Ohio where she married the man that she calls her Angel on earth, she home-schools their three children who set out daily to give her a run for her money and while they do so she is working to get the parenting thing down one OOPS! at a time!  She is a Jesus Loving, Jersey of All Trades!  She writes, she blogs, she cooks, she creates! She is a visionary, a foodie, fashionista and a rose that grew from concrete.  She is on a constant journey to learn and grow while planting what she calls a vineyard of spiritual fruit, full of love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness and faith.  Get to know her more, check her out at www.shesfaraboverubies.wordpress.com  IMG_1556    

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